English Communicative 2008

Ans. (a) The woman is bending over the river water.
(b) She is searching for her lost youth.
(c) The candles and the moon have been called liars because in their dim light the woman’s real looks get concealed and she cannot see the signs of old age on her face.

Q. 14. What does the poem, “Night of the Scorpion” tell us about the villagers who had gathered in the poet’s house? Write your answer in 75—100 words. (5 marks)

Ans. The villagers who had gathered in the poet’s house were superstitious people who had their own versions to explain why the poet’s mother had to undergo agony and suffering. They were simple people who felt that the poison of the scorpion purified the mother’s body of desire and spirit of ambition. So, their faces depicted an expression of understanding. They felt assured that her present suffering would definitely help her to decrease the misfortunes of her next birth. They constantly clicked their tongues to express their dismay over the tragedy which had befallen over the poet’s mother.

Q. 15. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines. (5 marks) Another idol has displaced me, a golden one. You hold money more important than me — or anything else, for that matter. And I’m going to grant your wish: free you from marrying me.
(a) Who is ‘me’ referred to in the passage? (1)
(b) What light does the passage throw on Scrooge? (2)
(c) Give two examples to show that Scrooge underwent total transformation in the end. (2)

Ans. See Q. 15, 2000(I Delhi).

Q. 16. Identify two qualities of the Grandmother in “The Ultimate Safari” which helped her and her family to survive the hostile conditions they faced before, during and after their journey through the Kruger Park. Give evidence in support of your answer. Write your answer in 50—75 words. (4 marks)

Ans. See Q. 16, 2002(II Delhi).

Q. 17. Rebuked by the postmaster, Ali walks away from the post office with a heavy heart. That night he writes his diary outlining his feelings about the day’s events and his approaching end. Write the answer in 150—175 words. (8 marks)

3rd August 20xx
No amount of rebuke, rudeness and anger can deter me from going to the post office. I know that it is the only place from where I have hope of getting news about by beloved child Miriam. So, I have been visiting the post office regularly with devout serenity each day and am sure that one day I will surely receive news from my daughter. But my only apprehension is that my end is approaching near and I know I am not going to live for very long and still I have no news about my child’s well-being. It is my sincere pray to Allah that such a time should never befall on any father where he dies a living death each day. My present situation is a penance I am paying for my past sins. Only after Miriam left me have I truely understood the meaning of love and separation. I hope I get some news of my daughter so that my soul can rest in peace after my death. But, nevertheless, I will ensure that after my death also Miriam’s letter is delivered to me.

English Communicative 2008 Question Papers Class X
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