English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.


The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
7th March, 20xx
Recounting my own unfortunate experience I am writing this letter as a warning to the readers about the harmful effects of junk food.
As the name aptly suggests, junk food is nothing but absolute junk. For years, I ate fast food, blissfully ignorant that it would damage my health, make me overweight and also make me suffer from heart ailments. Now I realize that one needs to eat healthy and nutritious food to maintain good health. The health problems caused by the consumption of junk food are numerous and irrepairable. Junk food, which is now easily available, has no nutritional value and one should abstain from eating it. It contains nothing but a high fat and carbohydrate content which is hazardous for our body. I have learnt this lesson the hard way and would want others to learn from my mistakes so that they do not undergo the misery I am going through presently.
I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so as to create awareness among people about the health hazards caused by junk food.
Yours Sincerely
D-2 Green Park
Hissar, Haryana


You are Ameesha/Ankur of A-3, Amrit Colony, Delhi. Write a letter to your younger brother who is staying in a hostel at Dehradun, telling him about the general welfare of the family, and advising him to put his heart and soul into his studies as his Board examinations are near.


A-3, Amrit Colony
31st December, 20xx
Dearest Ashu,
We received your letter and were happy to know that you are in good health and great spirits. We all are also doing well but we miss you a lot. Mummy and Daddy are fi ne and are busy with their respective jobs. I too am busy with my college. But our primary concern is about your Board Examinations which are drawing near. We want you to put your heart and soul into your studies so that you fare well in your exams as you are capable of doing the best. I am sure you will make your school and family proud once the results are declared. Now is the time to put everything else aside and concentrate diligently only on your studies. Our good wishes and blessings are always with you. I will write to you again. Mummy and Daddy send their love to you. Take care and study hard.
Yours lovingly

SECTION C—Grammar (15)

Q.6. Read the following passage and fi ll in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Correctly number and write the answer in your answer sheet. 8X1/2=4

Snake pits are a network of caves (a) _________ (form) by underground water. They serve as perfect (b) _________ (locate) for the snakes (c) _________ (spend) the winter. In cold countries, these pits (d) _________ (protection) them from very cold temperature which (e) _________ (dip) as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius during the winter. Snakes (f) _________ (be) able to protect themselves from the heat of the summer by (g) _________ (stay) in pits. Most snakes (h) _________ (not make) their own burrows, but inhabit the burrows made by other creatures.

Ans. (a) formed (b) location (c) to spend (d) protect (e) dips (f) are (g) staying (h) do not make.

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X