English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.


Hostel Ward No. 22
Sewa International School
7th March,
20xx Dearest Veenu,
I hope you and the rest of our group of friends are doing well. I too am doing great here though I miss you all and the fun times we have had together.
My new school and the hostel seem good, though I am still in the process of settling down here. Contrary to my expectations I think I am going to enjoy my hostel life. The school has a lovely environment, located in the midst of a beautiful valley. The teachers too are very nice and helpful and I have also made a few friends in the short time that I have been here. At times I do miss home, my family and all of you but hostel life will defi nitely instil in me two great values—punctuality and being methodical.
Do write back to me and tell the other friends also to keep in touch. Give my due regards to Uncle and Auntie.
Yours Lovingly


With incidents of violence taking place almost everyday for the past few years, Delhi has no longer remained a safe place for the aged living alone at home. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times, Delhi expressing your concern and drawing attention of the authorities towards the problem. Also give suggestions for the safety of the old persons.


The Editor
The Times
29th July, 20xx
Through the medium of this letter I would like to draw the attention of the general public to the fact that Delhi is no longer a safe place for the aged people living alone at home.Certain anti-social elements have succeeded in disturbing the peace and harmony of our city. Incidents of violence have been taking place almost on a daily basis for the past few years. Old people living alone have become a soft target for such criminals. The old people feel absolutely insecure and live in constant fear of their safety. The safety of these old people should be given utmost priority. The local police should make a list of the aged people staying alone, within their area, and make fool-proof security plans to ensure their safety. This problem should be dealt with on an urgent basis.
I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so as to make the concerned authorities take immediate action on this problem.
Yours Sincerely
Seema Bakshi

SECTION C—Grammar (15)

Q.6. Read the following passage and fi ll in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Correctly number and write the answer in your answer sheet. 8X1/2=4

Snake pits are a network of caves (a) _________ (form) by underground water. They serve as perfect (b) _________ (locate) for the snakes (c) _________ (spend) the winter. In cold countries, these pits (d) _________ (protection) them from very cold temperature which (e) _________ (dip) as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius during the winter. Snakes (f) _________ (be) able to protect themselves from the heat of the summer by (g) _________ (stay) in pits. Most snakes (h) _________ (not make) their own burrows, but inhabit the burrows made by other creatures.

Ans. (a) formed (b) location (c) to spend (d) protect (e) dips (f) are (g) staying (h) do not make.

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X