English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.


15, Mansarovar Park
17th October, 20xx
Dearest Kartik,
I received your letter yesterday and was extremely glad to know that you have now completely recovered from the dengue fever.
It had no doubt been a most trying and diffi cult time for you and your family when you were hospitalised, after testing positive for dengue fever. Your parents had been shocked and continued to worry about your health all the while. Now they too must be relieved and happy after you recovery. You must take good care of your health to cover up your internal weakness. Eat a healthy diet, take adequate rest and do not over-exert yourself. My only wish is that God should keep you healthy and free from ailments.
Now I’ll end my letter. Give my due regards to Uncle and Auntie. Take care of your health.
Lovingly Raman


Cases of chain snatching and picking pockets are rising every day in your area. Ladies feel scared of moving out during the evening. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner, complaining about the rising incidents of crime in the area and requesting him to provide security to the people. You are Aishwarya/Akhil of B-6, Mansarovar View, Bhopal.

Ans. The Police Commissioner
11th June, 20xx
Sir, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of the residents of our area Mansarovar View to bring to your notice once again the rise of crime in our area. Cases of chain snatching and picking pockets are rising everyday in our area.
It has become unsafe to move out of the house without fear of being robbed. Ladies feel scared to move out, especially during the evening. We would like to request you to provide security to the people by deploying plain clothed policemen in our area in an attempt to arrest the criminals. It is high time stringent and effective measures are taken to curtail this problem and to break the confi dence of the criminals who it seems have no fear of the law and the fate that awaits them when they are caught.
We all are hoping and looking forward to some immediate action from your side to put an end to our living nightmares.
Yours Sincerely
Aishwarya B-6, Mansarovar View

SECTION C- Grammar (15)

Q.6. Read the following passage and fi ll in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Correctly number and write the answer in your answer sheet. 8 x1/2=4
Gandhiji proceeded to Motihari, the capital of Champaran. He (a) _________ (accompany) by several lawyers. At the railway station a huge crowd (b) _________ (greet) him. He (c) _________ (go) to a house. (d) _________ (use) it as headquarters, he (e) _________ (continue) his investigations. A report came in that a peasant (f) _________ (maltreat) in a nearby village. He at once decided (g) _________ (go) there and see him. He (h) _________ (start) out on the back of an elephant.

Ans. (a) was accompanied (b) greeted (c) went (d) Using (e) continued (f) was being maltreated (g) to go (h) started

Q.7. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The fi rst one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. Remember to number the answers correctly. 3 x 1=3
Example : extremely dry / that are / deserts / are places Deserts are places that are extremely dry.
(a) the/ there / less than / annual rainfall / is / 25 cms
(b) dry / for / like Sahara / remain / years / deserts
(c) the day / burning hot / such deserts / are / during

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X