English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.


C-9171 Vasant Apartments
New Delhi
29th July, 20xx
Dearest Munish,
I am sorry for this delay in writing to you because I had gone on a two-week holiday to my uncle’s village in Punjab. I think this was one of the best and most different holidays I have ever had. It was indeed a delight for me to see big Kaccha houses and enclosures of cows and buffaloes outside almost all houses. The concept of many families living in a joint set-up was also a pleasure to watch. The bonding and love shared by these large families living together is amazing. I met many of my cousins and had a great time with them. I also got an opportunity to visit the lush green fi elds and the hugely spread-out mango orchards. I felt rejuvenated to breathe in the fresh pollution-free air. It was an experience of a life-time, which I am most likely to repeat in the future. I have lots more to tell you when we will meet. Give my due regards to your parents.
Yours Lovingly


You are Ramesh/Rama staying at B/335, Dhruva Apartments, Dwarka. Your apartment requires urgent repairs since its roof leaks during rains, plaster has come out, has pot-holes in drawing room and needs painting and white-washing. Write a letter to your landlord, Mr. Deepak at C-35, Palam Colony, Delhi asking him to get the repairs done.


12th September, 20xx
Mr. Deepak
C-35, Palam Colony
I am writing this letter to you to request you to carry out urgent repairs in your apartment. The condition of your apartment is pathetic. The roof leaks at various places during rains and the plaster on the walls has come out at various places. The drawing room has pot-holes and the place also needs immediate white-wash and painting. These problems are causing a lot of inconvenience to me and my family and it would be nice if you gave urgent attention and carry out the required repair work at the earliest to avoid further inconvenience to us. We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Sincerely
B/335 Dhruva Apartments

SECTION C- Grammar (15)

Q.6. Read the following passage and fi ll in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Correctly number and write the answer in your answer sheet. 8 x1/2=4
Gandhiji proceeded to Motihari, the capital of Champaran. He (a) _________ (accompany) by several lawyers. At the railway station a huge crowd (b) _________ (greet) him. He (c) _________ (go) to a house. (d) _________ (use) it as headquarters, he (e) _________ (continue) his investigations. A report came in that a peasant (f) _________ (maltreat) in a nearby village. He at once decided (g) _________ (go) there and see him. He (h) _________ (start) out on the back of an elephant.

Ans. (a) was accompanied (b) greeted (c) went (d) Using (e) continued (f) was being maltreated (g) to go (h) started

Q.7. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The fi rst one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. Remember to number the answers correctly. 3 x 1=3
Example : extremely dry / that are / deserts / are places Deserts are places that are extremely dry.
(a) the/ there / less than / annual rainfall / is / 25 cms
(b) dry / for / like Sahara / remain / years / deserts
(c) the day / burning hot / such deserts / are / during

Ans. (a) The annual rainfall there is less than 25 cms.
(b) Deserts like Sahara remain dry for years.
(c) Such deserts are burning hot during the day.

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X