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CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2008 >Social Science > Social Science - Set - 1

Q. 6. What are two main duties of females according to traditional assumptions? ½+½=1

Ans. Two traditional duties of the women in the household are:
(i) to run all household work in such a way that the men are left free and can play their roles as bread winners.
(ii) to bear children and carefully raise them.

Q. 7. How many countries in the world have democratic form of government? 1

Ans . Over a hundred countries of the world today claim and practice some kind of democracy.

Q. 8. How can we achieve our hopes and possibilities in the present world? 1

Ans. We can achieve these through modernisation involving use of new technologies in agriculture and industry, further expansion of service sector by producing experts in modern technologies and management. *

Q. 9. What is the motto of National Service Scheme? (D.M.) 1 *
Q. 10. Mention the agency which is responsible for managing disasters at the village level.(D.M.) 1

Note : Below are given three groups—A, B and C for questions number 11 and 12. Select any one group for answering these two questions.

Group A

Q. 11. Explain three features of the silk route. 3×1=3

Ans. See Q. 12, 2008 (I Delhi).

Q. 12. Why did the merchants in the 17th and 18th centuries begin moving from towns to countryside in Europe? Explain any three reasons. 3×1=3

Ans. See Q. 1, Additional Questions, Chapter 5.

Group B

Q. 11. Why were the Corn Laws scrapped? Explain any three reasons. 3×1=3

Ans. With the population growth and the expansion of urban sector and industry the demand for agricultural products went up, pushing up foodgrain prices. Under pressure from landed groups, the Government also restricted the import of corn. The laws allowing the Government to do this is commonly known as Corn Laws. Unhappy with high food prices, the industrialists and urban dwellers forced the abolition of Corn Laws.

Abolition of Corn Laws allowed the merchants in England to import foodgrains from abroad at lower costs. The major effects of this were:
(i) It led to widespread unemployment in the agricultural sector, but prosperity in the industrial sector.
(ii) It also resulted in the rise of a prosperous capitalist class in the urban areas.
(iii) Another immediate effect that was noticed was that unemployment in the rural sector forced the movement of labour from agricultural to industrial sector.
(iv) Migration of agricultural labourers to industrial sector led to the growth of population in the urban areas.

Q. 12. Explain the expansion of London over nineteenth century. 3

Social Science 2008 Question Papers Class X
Social Science 2008 Question Papers Class X
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