CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative

Q. 2.1 Complete the following sentences taking help from the text:
(a) Obesity is defined as ___________. 1
(b) Men and women can be described as being obese when ___________. 1
(c) Osteoarthritis, which is also linked to obesity, leads to ___________. 1
(d) Two psychological factors that cause obesity are ___________ and ___________. 1
(e) Although the genetic factor which also causes obesity cannot be changed, yet we can control obesity by ___________. 1
(f) Obese people are regarded as unattractive because ___________. 1
(g) The treatment practised at the slimming centres consists of ___________ which have their side effects. 1
(h) The best way to reduce weight___________. 1
Ans. (a) an excess amount of body weight that includes muscles, bone, fat and water.
(b) their body fat exceeds 25% and 30% respectively.
(c) deterioration of joints.
(d) negative emotions and binge eating.
(e) changing our eating habits and levels of activity.
(f) the trend is to equate attractiveness with slimness.
(g) slimming capsules and the heat treatment
(h) is through exercise.
Q. 2.2 Find words/phrases from the passage which mean the same as the following: 4
(a) widely spread disease (para 1)
(b) low spirits/dejection (para 3)
(c) improving outward looks/appearance (para 4)
(d) risk/danger (para 4)
Ans. (a) epidemic (b) depression (c) cosmetic (d) hazard
Q. 3. Your school has received the following letter: 5
The Principal
City Public School
Dear Principal,
I am writing to highlight the fact that many people still suffer from asthma because of excessive crackers being burnt during Diwali. This year in addition to the health hazard there is also a serious economic crunch due to steep rise in prices of all essential commodities. Besides helping patients, environment and family budgets, the money saved by not buying huge amounts of expensive crackers can also be used to provide essential medicines and food for the homeless. Hence I request you to tell your school students to help their parents and think of the environment and the deprived, specially this Diwali. Donations if any will be received into the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund.
Yours faithfully
Manish Dua

English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
CBSE 2009 Question Papers Class X