CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative

Q. 14. Answer the following in 50-75 words. 4
Why did the other mariners first bless and then curse the ancient mariner when he shot down the albatross?

Ans. At first the mariners blessed the ancient mariner for shooting down the albatross which they felt had been responsible for bringing with it the fog and the mist. They felt it was right to kill such birds. Immediately, thereafter, they cursed the ancient mariner for killing the bird which had brought the favourable breeze with it. They now felt that the ancient mariner’s action would bring them great unhappiness and sorrow.


How did the frog ‘train’ the nightingale in her singing?

Ans. The frog started the nightingale’s training on a rainy day. He told her to go up and down the scales of the musical notes for six hours till her voice became rough and was trembling. He charged her a fee and told her to practice for a longer time each day till her voice, like his own, grew stronger.

Q. 15. Answer the following in 50-75 words. 4 How did Decius Brutus interpret Calpurnia’s dream?

Ans. Decius Brutus deliberately misinterprets Calpurnia’s dream and very skilfully gives a new twist to her dream. He calls it auspicious. He says that Romans bathing their hands in Caesar’s blood signifies that Caesar’s blood will be a thing of great reverence for the Romans as Caesar will soon be the most powerful ruler in Rome.


How did Mark Antony use Caesar’s will to arouse the Roman citizens against the conspirators?

Ans. Mark Antony tells the crowd that he has with him Caesar’s will, which he does not intend to read out because if he were to read it out, the citizens would be forced to feel absolutely miserable about Caesar’s death. He again reiterates that he will not read out Caesar’s will because reading it would inflame the citizens, make them mad and provoke them to resort to violence to avenge Caesar’s death. Thus, he uses Caesar’s will most skilfully to rouse the basic sentiments of the Roman citizens against the conspirators.

English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
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