CBSE 2009 English Communicative Question Papers

Q .18. Answer the following question in about 100 words: 8
Describe the narrator’s visit to the farm of Lutkins’ mother. Why couldn’t they fi nd Lutkins there?


What was the problem with Tricki? How did Mr. Herriot cure it?

Ans. Alongwith the hack driver Bill, the narrator drove into Lutkins’ mother’s poor farmhouse where they were met by an enormous and cheerful old woman who said neither did she know anything about
Lutkins and nor did she want to know anything about him. When Bill insisted on searching the house for Lutkins the lady seized an iron from the old-fashioned store in her kitchen and marched towards them shouting that if they would search her house she would burn them with the hot iron. The narrator and Bill ran out of the house. They could not fi nd Lutkins there because in his search for Lutkins the narrator was actually being accompanied by Lutkins himself who was posing as Bill, the hack-driver.


Tricki’s problem was that he was thoroughly over-pampered by his rich mistress, Mrs. Pumphrey. He was never refused food and over-fed by her to such an extent that he became greedy and could tackle a meal at any hour of the day and night. Hence he became hugely fat, like a bloated sausage. Dr. Herriot knew the only way to cure Tricki was to get him out of Mrs. Pumphrey’s house. Under his care Dr. Herriot gave Tricki plenty of exercis and restricted his diet and was thus able to transform him into a lithe, hard-muscled animal.

Q. 19. Answer the following question in 30-40 words: 4
How did Hari Singh justify to himself his intention of stealing Anil’s money?


Who was Henry? What role did he play in Ausable’s plans? Ans. Hari Singh justifi ed to himself his intention of stealing Anil’s money by thinking that if he didn’t take his money, Anil would only waste it on his friends and the fact that Anil did not even pay him, provided yet another incentive for him to rob Anil.


See Q.18, 2003 (I Outside Delhi). [Page 105

Q. 20. Answer the following question in 20-30 words : 3
How often did Horace Danby commit a robbery every year? What did he do with the stolen material?


What made Mme Loisel’s day at the ball a great success?

Ans. Horace Danby robbed only one safe every year. He stole enough to last him for twelve months and with the rest of the money be bought rare and expensive books, that he loved, through an agent.


Mme Loisel’s day at the ball was a great success as she was the prettiest of all ladies—elegant, gracious, smiling and full of joy. All the men noticed her, asked her name, and wanted to be presented.

English Language and Literature 2009 Question Papers Class X