See Q.16, 2004 (I Out Delhi). [Page 129
Q. 19. Answer the following question in 30-40 words: 4
What does Hari Singh say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed? Or How is Ausable different from other secret agents?
Ans. Hari Singh says that he had made a study of men’s faces when they had been robbed. The greedy man showed fear, the rich man showed anger and the poor man showed acceptance.
Ausable did not fi t the description of any secret agent that Fowler had ever read about. Ausable was very fat who did not have messages slipped into his hands by beautiful ladies but got an ordinary phone call making an appointment in his room. He also had a rather peculiar accent, unlike a secret agent.
Q. 20. Answer the following question in 20-30 words : 3
How often did Horace Danby commit a robbery every year? What did he do with the stolen material?
What made Mme Loisel’s day at the ball a great success?
Ans. Horace Danby robbed only one safe every year. He stole enough to last him for twelve months and with the rest of the money be bought rare and expensive books, that he loved, through an agent.
Mme Loisel’s day at the ball was a great success as she was the prettiest of all ladies—elegant, gracious, smiling and full of joy. All the men noticed her, asked her name, and wanted to be presented.