CBSE 2009 English Communicative Question Papers

Q. 14. Answer the following question in about 80 words: 6 Describe what you know about the people of Coorg and their descent.


What did Buddha say about death and suffering? Explain by giving examples from the text.

Ans. See Q.12, 2008 (III Delhi). [Page 214


Buddha says the life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief and combined with pain. Like in the case of Kisa Gotami who is grieved when she loses her only son. There is no means by which those who are born can avoid dying; after reaching old age there is death; of such a nature are living things. As ripe fruits are always in danger of falling, similarly mortals when born are always in danger of death. As all earthen vessels made by the potter end up being broken, so is the life of mortals who all fall into the power of death.

Q. 15. Answer any two of the following questions in 30—40 words each: 4
(a) What does Chubukov suspect Lomov of when he comes to his house? Why?
(b) What did the pilot of the Dakota experience inside the black clouds?
(c) Where in the classroom did Wanda sit and why?

Ans. (a) Chubukov, is in fact surprised to see Lomov in his house, especially because he (Lomov) comes in formally dressed with evening dress and gloves. He suspects that Lomov might have come to borrow money from him.
(b) Inside the clouds, everything was black. It was impossible to see anything outside the aeroplane. The old aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air. The compass, radio and other instruments were dead and the pilot was lost in the storm.
(c) See Q. 15 (b), 2009 (I Outside Delhi).

Q. 16. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Remember to number the answers correctly. 4
The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,
And gulped some grog from his pocket fl agon,
He fi red two bullets, but they didn’t hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit.
(a) How did the pirate react when he saw the dragon? 1
(b) How did he prepare himself for the fi ght? 1
(c) How did he attack the dragon? 1
(d) What did the dragon do to him? 1

Ans. (a) The pirate gaped at the dragon when he saw him.
(b) He gulped some grog (mixed liquor) from his pocket flagon (bottle) to prepare himself for the fight.
(c) He attacked the dragon by fi ring two bullets at him.
(d) Custard, the dragon gobbled every bit of him.

English Language and Literature 2009 Question Papers Class X

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