CBSE 2009 English Communicative Question Papers

Q. 18. Answer the following question in about 100 words: 8 How had Horace Danby planned to rob the Shotover Grange?


Describe Griffi n’s activities in the village of Iping.

Ans. See Q.16 (Or), 2000 (I Outside Delhi). [Page 24


Griffin dissuaded all efforts of his landlady, Mrs. Hall to be friendly. He told her he wished to be alone and did not wish to be disturbed. He stole the housekeeping money from the clergyman’s desk as he had already spent all the earlier stolen money. He terrorised the landlord and his wife by hurling and charging the household furniture at them. Mrs. Hall was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits and the neighbours believed all the trouble was caused by witchcraft. Finally, when Mrs. Hall confronted him, Griffi n became a headless man and knocked Jaffers, the constable unconscious.

Q. 19. Answer the following question in 30-40 words: 4
Why was Fowler disappointed when he saw Ausable for the fi rst time?


What did Hari Singh do with the money he stole from Anil?

Ans. Fowler was disappointed when he saw Ausable for the fi rst time because Ausable did not fi t the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about. He had expected to meet a mysterious looking man but instead he met a very fat man with a rather strange accent.


After stealing Anil’s money Hari Singh ran to the station to escape, but did not board the train. Realsing his mistake he came back to Anil‘s house with the stolen money and slipped the notes under Anil’s mattress.

Q. 20. Answer the following question in 20-30 words : 3
How often did Horace Danby commit a robbery every year? What did he do with the stolen material?


What made Mme Loisel’s day at the ball a great success?

Ans. Horace Danby robbed only one safe every year. He stole enough to last him for twelve months and with the rest of the money be bought rare and expensive books, that he loved, through an agent.


Mme Loisel’s day at the ball was a great success as she was the prettiest of all ladies—elegant, gracious, smiling and full of joy. All the men noticed her, asked her name, and wanted to be presented.

English Language and Literature 2009 Question Papers Class X

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