CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science

Q. 23. Explain the prudential and moral reasons given in favour of power sharing. 2+2=4

Ans. Two reasons are given in favour of power sharing: The first set of reasons can be called ‘prudential’ which stresses that power sharing will bring out better outcomes. It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups. Since conflicts lead to violence and political instability, political order can be stabilised by power sharing.
The Second set of reasons can be called ‘moral’, which emphasizes the very act of power sharing as valuable. Under this, we believe that the very spirit of democracy is power sharing. People have a right to be consulted on how to be governed and they have the right to participate in the system.

Q. 24. Explain four points how communalism can take various forms in politics. 4×1=4

Ans. See Q. 2, Textbook Questions, Chapter 4. [Page PS-28

Q. 25. “Political parties are a necessary condition for a democracy.” Justify the statement by giving four reasons. 4×1=4

Ans. See Q. 2, Additional Questions, Chapter 6. [Page PS-49.

Q. 26. Define the term ‘Public Sector’. Explain any three demerits of private sector.

Ans. Public Sector: The public sector is that sector of the economy in which the government owns most of the assets and provides all the services. For example, Railways, Post and Telegraph. Demerits of Private Sector:
(i) Activities in the private sector are guided by the motive to earn profits and not welfare of the people.

(ii) There are several services needed by the society which the private sector cannot provide at a reasonable price. Activities like construction of roads, bridges, railways, irrigation through dams, etc., require huge amount of money which is beyond the capacity of the private sector. Private sector charges high rates for the use of these services.

(iii) It is difficult for the private sector to collect money from thousands of people who use these services.

(iv) The private sector sometimes ignores regional balanced development, equality of income and development of basic industries.

Q. 27. Study the graph carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(27.1) Mention the percentage of loans taken by well-off households and households with few assets from formal sector.
(27.2) State the reason for high percentage of formal sector loans to rich households and high percentage of informal sector loans to poor households. 2+2=4

Social Science 2009 Question Papers Class X
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