Morphology :

  • Adults cockroach Periplaneta americana are about 34-53 cm long with wings that extended beyond the tip of the abdomen.
  • Segmented body distinguished into head, thorax and abdomen.
  • Entire body is covered by external chitinous exoskeleton.
  • Each segment has hardened plates called sclerites (dorsal tergites, ventral sternites).
  • Successive sclerites are joined by flexible articular membrane (arthrodial membrane)

Head :

  • Head is formed by fusion of six segments, with flexible neck.
  • The head bears a pair of compound eye, a pair of antennae.
  • Antennae have sensory receptors.
  • Head bears appendages meant for biting and chewing types of mouth parts.
  • The mouth parts consists of:
    • A labrum (upper lip)
    • A pair of mandibles.
    • A pair of maxillae
    • A labium (lower lip)
    • A median flexible lobe acting as tongue (hypopharynx).

Thorax :

  • Thorax consists of three parts – prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax.
  • Each thoracic segment bears a pair of walking legs.
  • First pair of wings arises from mesothorax and second pair from metathorax.
  • The hind wings are transparent, membranous meant for flying.

Abdomen :

  • The abdomen consists of 10 segments.
  • In female the 7th segment is boat shaped and along with 9th and 10th segment it forms the broad or genital pouch.
  • Genital pouch contains female gonopore, spermathecal pores and collateral glands.
  • In male the genital pouch bounded dorsally by 9th and 10th terga and ventrally by the 9th sternum.
  • Male bears a pair of anal style, absent in female.
  • Anal cerci present in both sexes in 10th segment.


Digestive system :

  • Alimentary canal divided into three regions; foregut, midgut and hindgut.
  • The mouth opens into short pharynx leading to oesophagus.
  • Oesophagus opens into a sac like crop, which store food.
  • Crop is followed by gizzard or proventriculus.
  • Gizzard contains chitinous teeth for grinding the food.
  • The entire fore gut is lined by cuticle.
  • A ring of 6-8 blind tubules called hepatic or gastric caecae present at the junction of foregut and midgut, which secretes digestive juices.
  • Midgut is long tube like structure.
  • At the junction of midgut and hindgut, another ring of 100-150 yellow coloured thin filamentous Malpighian tubules are present.
  • Malpighian tubules are meant for excretion from haemolymph.
  • The hindgut is broader and differentiated into ileum, colon and rectum.

Blood vascular system:

  • Blood vascular system is open type.
  • Blood vessels are poorly developed and open into space called haemocoel.
  • Visceral organs located in the haemocoel and bathed in blood called haemolymph.
  • The haemolymph composed of colourless plasma and haemocytes.
  • Heart is elongated multichambered, funnel shaped with ostia.
  • Blood enter into the heart through ostia and is pumped anteriorly into the sinuses.
  • The haemocoel differentiated into three sinuses;
    • Pericardial sinus.
    • Perivisceral sinus.
    • Perineural sinus.

Respiratory system :

  • The respiratory system consists of a network of trachea.
  • Trachea opens to outside by 10 pairs of small holes called spiracles on lateral side of the body.
  • Trachea gives rise to branching tubes called tracheal tubes which subdivided into tracheoles.
  • Opening of spiracles regulated by valves.
  • Movement of air takes place by diffusion and directly to the body cell.


  • Excretion is performed by malpighian tubules.
  • Each tubule is lined by glandular and ciliated cells.
  • They absorb nitrogenous wastes from the haemocoel and converted into uric acid and poured into the hindgut.
  • Hence cockroach is uricotelic in nature.
  • Nephrocytes and uricose glands also assist in excretion.

Nervous system:

  • Consists of a series of segmentally arranged ganglia joined by paired longitudinal double ventral nerve cord.
  • Three ganglia lie in thorax and six in the abdomen.
  • Head contain a bit of nervous system.
  • The brain is represented by supra-oesophageal ganglion which innervates the compound eye and antennae.
  • The sense organs are antennae, eyes maxillary palps, labial palps, anal cerci etc.
  • Each compound eye consists of about 2000 hexagonal ommatidia.
  • Each ommatidium forms a part of the image, called mosaic vision.


CBSE Biology (Chapter Wise) Class XI ( By Mr. Hare Krushna Giri ) 
Email Id : [email protected]