Depreciation- Wear and tear of the capital goods due to their usage in production or consumption of fixed capital.It includes
(i) normal wear and tear ;
(ii) normal rate of accidental damages ;
(iii) expected obsolescence .
Gross invst. – depreciation = net invst.
Significance of Net Invst.-
Net invst. implies net addition to the stock of capital and it increases the scale of prod. It is a sign of growth and dev.It helps generate employment opportunities.
Intermediate Goods-
Goods which are purchased by one firm from the other either for resale or are used up as raw material.
Its value merges with the value of final goods.
Used up- transformed into other products or added to stocks.
Exceptions:- In defence services durable capital goods { weapons ( missiles, rocket bombs, etc.) , equipments (vehicles, tanks, etc. ) } are treated as raw materials needed for producing defence services.
Final goods- Goods and services purchased or own produced for the purpose of consumption and invst.
Same good may be intermediate or final –
Distinction depends upon the end-use of the machine; if it purchased by household or a firm( it is used for prod. Of goods in the firm), it is final good but if it is purchased for reselling by the firm it is intermediate.
Stocks- It is the qty. measured at a particular period of time.
Flow - It is the qty. measured over a specified period of time.
Relation and difference between stock and flow-
Economic territory is the geographical territory administered by a government within which persons, goods and capital circulate freely.
The scope of economic territory is defined to cover:
(i) Political frontiers including territorial waters and air space.
(ii) Embassies, consulates, military bases, etc located abroad, but excluding the foreign ones located
within the political frontiers.(geographical territory)
(iii) Ships, aircrafts etc, operated by the residents between two or more countries
(iv) Fishing vessels, oil and natural gas rigs, etc operated by the residents in the international
waters or other areas over which the country enjoys the exclusive rights or jurisdiction.
National income is the sum total of income of only the residents of the country.
Resident - A resident, whether a person or an institution, is one whose centre of economic interest
lies in the economic territory of the country in which he lives. A person must reside in a country for one year or more than one year to become a normal resident of that country.
Normal residents include-
Persons who are not treated as normal residents-
National income, or for that matter any aggregate related to it, is a measure of the value of production activity of a country
National income and related aggregates are basically measures of production activity.
There are two categories of national income aggregates : domestic and national, or domestic
product and national product. Production activity of the production units located within the economic
territory is domestic product.
National income = Domestic income + net factor income from abroad
Domestic aggregates- It refers to a group of statistical measures of the value of prod. Activity, being carried out by prod. Units located within the economic territory of country.