CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2014 > Chemistry > Chemistry By Mrs. Kritika Bhola


Ethanoic Acid (Acetic Acid - CH3COOH)

A dilute solution of ethanoic acid in water is called vinegar .

Physical  properties :-

  1. Colourless liquid having a sour taste and a smell of vinegar.
  2. Boiling point is 118°C
  3. On cooling , it freezes to form a colorless , ice-like solid ( like glacier) so it is also called glacial ethanoic / acetic acid.
  4. Miscible with water in all proportions.

Chemical properties :-

  1. Action on litmus -Turns blue litmus  red ; universal indicator paper to orange ( 4 pH)  showing it is a weak acid.
  2. Reaction with Carbonates and Hydrogencarbonates :-

    1. With Sodium Carbonate – Forms sodium ethanoate ( sodium acetate ) and CO2 gas.
      2CH3COOH + Na3CO3 → 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O

    2. With Sodium Hydrogencarbonate - Forms sodium ethanoate and evolves brisk effervescence of CO2 gas.
      CH3COOH + NaHCO3 → CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O

  3. Reaction with Sodium Hydroxide - It reacts with bases to form salt and water .
    CH3COOH + NaOH → CH3COONa (sodium  ethanoate) + H2O

  4. Reaction with Alcohols - Reacts in presence of a little of Con. H2SO4 to form  esters.
    CH3COOH + C2H5OH → CH3COOC2H5+ H2O
    Sweet smelling ester is formed. Esters  are volatile liquids having sweet / pleasant /  fruity smell . They are used to make artificial perfumes , flavours and essences  .

    Esters can be hydrolysed back to the alcohol and carboxylic acid when heated with sodium hydroxide solution.

Submitted By Mrs. Kritika Bhola
Email Id : [email protected]