CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2014 > Chemistry > Chemistry By Mrs. Kritika Bhola


Homologous Series

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  1. Aldehyde  Group :

    It consists of 1 carbon, 1 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom joined together.

    General formula  --- CnC2nO

    Methanal  -  HCHO ---  formaldehyde
    Ethanal     -  CH3CHO ---- acetaldehyde
    Propanal – CH3CH2CHO  ---  propionaldehyde
    Butanal  -  CH3CH2CH2CHO

  2. Ketone  Group :

    It consists of 1 carbon and 1 oxygen atom. A ketone group must contain at least 3 carbon atoms.
    General formula  -- CnC2nO
    Propanone  -  CH3COCH3 ----  acetone  ( simplest ketone)
    Butanone    -  CH3COCH2CH3
    Pentanone -  CH3COCH2CH2CH3

  3. Carboxylic Acid Group  :

    It is present in Methanoic acid  ( formic acid) - HCOOH  
    Ethanoic Acid  ( acetic acid) - CH3−COOH 
    Propionic Acid - C2H5COOH or CH3CH2COOH
    They are also called Organic acids and contain carbon , hydrogen and oxygen.

  4. Alkene  Group  :

    It is a Carbon – carbon double bond.
    Ethene   -  CH2 = CH2  
    Propene -  CH3− CH = CH2

  5. Alkyne Group  : CC

    Ethyne  -  CH≡CH
    Propyne  - CH3−C≡CH

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Submitted By Mrs. Kritika Bhola
Email Id : [email protected]