CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Chemistry In Every Day Life

Chemistry In Every Day Life

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  1. How are antiseptics distinguished from disinfectants Give two examples of each of the substances
  2. List two major classes of antibiotics with an example of each class.
    i) Narrow spectrum antibiotic
    e.g. : penicillin
    ii) Board spectrum antibiotic
    e.g. :chloramphenicol and tetracycline
  3. Describe the following with suitable examples.
    (i) Tranquilizers (ii) antifertility drugs (iii) antihistamines
  4. Give examples of (i) triphenyl methane dye (ii) azo dye (iii) anthraquinone dye
  5. What is a mordant dye? How is it applied to the fabric?
  6. What are carbon fibers? How are they designed? Write two important uses of carbon fibers.
  7. Describe the following with suitable examples
    (i) Preservative (ii) Artificial sweeteners (iii) Antioxidants (iv) Edible colors
  8. What are detergents? Give their scheme of classification. Why are detergents preferred over soap?
  9. What is a propellant? How are various rocket propellants classified?
  10. Describe the following with examples
    (i) Double base propellant
    (ii) Biliquid propellant
    (iii) Monoliquid propellant
    (iv) Hybrid propellant
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid States
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodoynamics
  5. Chemical Kinetics
  6. Nuclear Chemistry
  7. Polymers
  8. Biomolecules
  9. Chemistry In Every Day Life


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