CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Physics > Physics (Electrostatics) By: Mr. Abhishek Gupta


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Q. 1. What is quantization of charge. What is its cause? Can a body have a charge of 18*10 -20C?

Q. 2. Describe how a metallic rod can be made positively charged by the method of induction.

Q. 3. State 4 essential differences b/w charge and mass.

Q. 4. A glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth. Explain what will happen to their mass and charge? Why does this change occur?

Q. 5. What are electric field lines? Mention 4 properties.

Q. 6. State coulomb’s law in vector form and give the value and units of Єo. Explain superposition principle using a suitable figure.

Q. 7. 2 charges are placed R mts apart in air. The repulsive force b/w them is found to be F. Find the force when the same charges are placed in water at a distance of 2R. (Єr = 80 ). Will this force be attractive or repulsive?

Q. 8. Derive the value of electric field at the axial and equatorial point of a dipole made of charges +q and –q placed a distance 2a apart.

Q. 9. Draw electric field lines for uniform electric field. How can this type of electric field be created. A dipole is made of +2μC and -2μC placed 5mm apart. Find its dipole moment and derive the expression for the torque acting on it when it is placed in a uniform electric field.

Q. 10. A charge of 5C is placed at the origin and –10C is placed at the point x = 30. Find a point on the x axis at which

  1. Electric field is zero
  2. Potential is zero

Q. 11. 3 charges of 5C each are kept on the corners of a square of side 1m. Find the electric field and potential at the fourth corner.

Q. 12. Derive the value of electric potential at an axial point of a dipole. Show that the equatorial line of a dipole is equipotential

Q. 13. Four charges of 1C each are kept on the corners of a square of side 2m. Find the total potential energy of the system.

Q. 14. State Gauss theorem and using it derive the value of electric field at a point R mts away from an infinite line of charge having charge density λ C/m

Q. 15. Using Gauss theorem derive the value of electric field due to an infinite sheet of charge having charge density σC/m2 .Draw a graph showing the variation of electric field with distance R

Q. 16. Write 5 points about the behavior of conductors in electric field

Q. 17. A parallel plate capacitor is made of 2 plates having area A separated by a distance d. A dielectric slab of thickness d/4 and having dielectric constant 100 is introduced in b/w the plates. Derive the capacitance of this capacitor

Q. 18. Two capacitors when joined in series give a net capacitance of 2F and when these capacitors are joined in parallel, the net is 9F. Find the values of the two individual capacitors

Q. 19. Explain the following terms

  1. Electrostatic shielding
  2. Faraday cages
  3. Dielectric constant
  4. Polarization
  5. Electric potential
  6. Electric flux

Q. 20. The potential at point A is 10 volts and at point B is 20 volts. What is the direction of electric field b/w A and B. Find the amount of work done in moving a charge of 2C from point A to point B.

(b) What is the amount of work done in moving a 100nC charge b/w two points 5cm apart on an equipotential surface

Q. 21. A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a charge 8.85 x 10-8C. Calculate the electric flux passing through the surface. If the radius of the Gaussian surface is doubled, how would the flux change

(b) A charge of 8.85 x 10-8C is placed inside a cube of side 1mm. Find the total flux and the flux through one of the faces.

Q. 22. What is an equipotential surface. A uniform electric field of 300 N/C is directed along PQ. A , B and C are three points in the field having x and y coordinates as shown in the figure . Calculate potential difference b/w A & B , A & C and B & C.

Q. 23. Derive the value of electric potential at a distance R from a point charge Q

Q. 24. A capacitor of 60C is connected to 200V supply and another capacitor of 30C is connected to 100V . Find the charge and energy stored on each capacitor. Now these 2 capacitors are disconnected from the supply and are joined to each other such that positive plate of 1st is connected to positive plate of 2nd and similarly negative plates of both are also joined together. Find the loss in energy for the system. Why does this loss occur.

Q. 25. Describe the construction and working of the VanDe Graff generator

Physics Links
1. Atomic Nucleus
2. Current & Electricity 1
3. Current & Electricity 2
4. Electrostatics 1
5. Electrostatics 2
6. Magnetism 1
7. Magnetism And Magnetic Effect Of Current 2
8. Optics 1
9. EMI, AC And Optics
10. Magnetism And Magnetic Effect Of Current
11. Optics 2

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