CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2009 > Maths > Mathematics By Anil Kumar Tondak CBSE CLASS XII Relations & Functions Q. 1. Show that the relation R in the set A = Q. 2. Show that the relation R in R defined by R= Q. 3. Let A= R ─{3} and B = R─{1} , Consider the function ƒ: A ® B defined by ƒ (x) = Q. 5. Consider ƒ : R ® R given by f(x) = 4x+3, show that ƒ is invertible . Find the inverse of ƒ. Q. 6. Show that binary operation a * b = Q. 8. Show that ƒ : R –{0} Q. 9. On the set M = A (x) = Q. 10. Let ƒ (x) = [x] and g(x) = êx ê find goƒ (-5/3) – ƒog (-5/3) Q. 10. Show that the function ƒ: R Q. 12. Show that the relation R on the set R of all real numbers, defined as R = { (a, b): a £ b2 } is neither reflexive nor symmetric nor transitive. Q. 13. Show that the function ƒ:N ® Ngiven by ƒ (1) = ƒ (2) =1 and ƒ (x) = x-1,for every x > 2 is onto but not one-one. Prepared By Anil Kumar Tondak