Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Maths > Mathematics By Mr. Anil Kumar Tondak


Q. 9. Using determinants, find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (1, 4), (2, 3), (-5, 3). Are the given points collinear.

Q. 10. If the points (a1, b1),  (a2, b2) and (a1 + a2,(b1 + b2) are collinear, Show that  a1b2 = a2b1.

Q. 11. If a, b, c are all positive and are pth , qth and rth terms of G.P., then show that 

Q. 12. If


= 0, then Prove that  a, b, c are in G.P  or  x, y, z are in G.P

Q. 13. If x, y, z are different and


Q. 14. Show that points A (a, b + c), B (b, c + a), C (c, a + b) are collinear.

Q. 15. The sum of three numbers is 6. If we multiply third number by 3 and add
second number to it, we get 11. By adding first and third numbers, we get double of the second number. Represent it algebraically and find the numbers using matrix method.

Q. 16. Show that the following system of equations is consistent   2x – y + 3z = 5,        3x + 2y – z = 7,  4x + 5y – 5z = 9.  Also, find the solution.

Q. 17. Using matrix method, solve the following system of equations for x, y and z :


Q. 18. Find whether the following system of equations is consistent or not, find the solution of the system also. 3x-y+2z=3, x-2y-z = 1, 2x+y + 3z = 5.

Q. 19. Determine the product

and use it solve the system of equations :

Q. 20. If

A =

, find  A-1, using A solve the following system of linear equations.

2x – y + z + 3 = 0
  3x – z  + 8 = 0
2x + 6y – 2 = 0

Q. 21.

Q. 22.

Paper By Mr. Anil Kumar Tondak
Email Id : [email protected]