CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2005 > Social Studies > outside Delhi Set I

Social Studies —2005 (Set I—Outside Delhi)

Q. 1.* Give three ways in which India's wealth was drained to Britain from 1757 to 1857. 2

Q. 2. Mention the significance of our heritage of the colonial period. 1+1=2

Q. 3. Which are the two major fibre crops of India? Name the major producing State of each crop. 1+1=2

Q. 4. Write km main features of dryland farming. 2X1=2

Q. 5. Name any four national waterways of India. 4x1/2=2

Q. 6. Why is animal husbandry very important for Indian farmers? Explain two points in this regard. 2x1=2

Q. 7. Why is a dense network of railway transport found in North Indian Plains? Explain two reasons. 2x1=2

Q. 8. Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow: 1+1=2

NationalHighway No.

Length (in km)
Terminal Stations













(8.1) Which is the longest National Highway? What is the general direction of this National Highway?

(8.2) Name the terminal stations of National Highway No. 5. How far is Kolkata from Delhi by road route?

Q. 9. What is meant by sustainable economic development? Give its main feature. 2

Q. 10. Explain the main features of a socialist economy. 2

Q. 11. Mention any two features of developed countries. 2X1=2

Q. 12. "Liberalisation and Globalisation policy has had negative effects on the Indian economy." Explain briefly with two examples. 2

Q. 13. "Skill development can reduce pressure of unemployment on the Indian economy." Justify this statement with examples. 2

Q. 14* Examine Gandhiji's role in India's struggle for freedom. 4

Q. 15. State any two important features each of the Western Ghats arid Eastern Ghats of India. 4
*Point out any four significant features of the Mughal Architecture in the reign of Akbar.

Q. 16. Why is the scarcity of water increasing day-by-day in our country? Give four reasons. 4x1=4

Q. 17. Define 'Brain Drain'. Mention two reasons for the Brain Drain from India. 4

Q. 18. Examine the main factors responsible for the exploitation of consumers in India. 4

Q. 19. Differentiate between Revolutionaries and Terrorists. 4

Q. 20.* Explain the main issues which the Indian social reformers in the 19th century took up. Mention any one of them in which they were successful? 6

Q. 21. Describe any six measures adopted to control land degradation in different areas of our country. 6X1=6
Q. 22. What are non-conventional sources of energy? Why do the non-conventional sources of energy have a bright future? Give four reasons. 2+4=6
What are conventional sources of energy? Why is water, as a source of energy, more important than coal and petroleum? Explain four points in this regard.

Q. 23. How does industrial pollution degrade the environment? Explain three measures to control environmental degradation. 3+3-6

Q. 24. What is meant by communalism? Mention the causes for the growth of communalism in India. Suggest two remedies to overcome this problem in India. 6

Q. 25. What is meant by standardisation of the products? Explain how the Government protects the interests of the consumers by standardisation of products. 6
Explain the problems of child abuse. Mention the provisions provided in the Constitution of India for the protection and development of the child.

Q. 26. Explain the factors which have contributed towards gender inequality. State the measures which have been taken to improve the social and economic status of women in India. 6

Q. 27.* (a) On the given outline map of India locate and label the two places associated with the Indian National Movement (other than Congress sessions) 2x1=2

(b) In the given outline political map of India are shown km geographical features marked A, B, C. Identify these features and write their names in the space provided. 3x1=3

(c) In the same given outline political map of India, locate and label the following features and attach the map in your answer book. 3x1=3
(i) Kochi Oil Refinery
(ii) Durgapur Iron and Steel Plant
(iii) Kandla Seaport

Note : The following question is for the Blind Candidates only in lieu ofQ. No. 27 (a), (b) and (c).

(a)* Name any three places associated with Indian National Movement. Briefly describe their importance. 2

(b) (i) Name any one Software Technology Park, located in Andhra Pradesh. 3
(ii) Name the thermal power station of Madhya Pradesh, bordering Chhatisgarh.

(iii) Name any one international airport of Kerala.

(iv) Name the oil refinery located in the easternmost part of Assam.

(v) Write the name of any one iron and steel plant, located in West Bengal.
(vi) Name the major seaport of Gujarat.

Social Science 2005 Question Papers Class X