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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration III 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration III

    1. What are sensible heat load and latent heat load? Give the sources of heat load. (8 Marks)

    1. (a) Describe an air washer. (4 Marks)
      (b) Explain the process of sensible cooling, and show it on psychometric chart. (4 Marks)

    1. (a) Compare a water - cooled condenser with an air - cooled condenser. (4 Marks)
      (b) Give the desirable properties of insulating materials. ( 4 Marks)

    1. Explain the working of a high pressure float calve with the help of a neat sketch. (8 Marks)

    1. (a) Explain the difference between a dry and a flooded type evaporator. (4 Marks)
      (b) Give the desirable properties of a good refrigerant. (4 Marks)

    1. (a) Draw the layout of an ice plant. (4 Marks)
      (b) What are the advantages of vapour absorption system? (4 Marks)

    1. Briefly answer the following: (4�2 Marks)
      (a) Define bypass factor.
      (b) Give the location of a condenser in a refrigeration system.
      (c ) Give the use of a capillary tube.
      (d) Name the refrigerant recommended for cold storage.
    2. Describe briefly the following processes: (a) Defrosting of a refrigeration system. 4 (b) Charging the system through suction valve. (4 Marks)


    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration III 2010 Question Papers Class XII

    CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII