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Dtp, Cad and Multimedia (Theory) 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

  1. Fill in the blanks :(5 Marks)

    (i) JPEG stands for _________________.
    (ii) Extension of a ADOBE Photoshop file is _____________.
    (iii) _______________ Attribute is used to give background sound to a web page.
    (iv) Sound forge is used to ______________.
    (v) Adobe Premier is used for ________________.

  2. Multiple choice questions ; (Justify your answer in one line). (5 Marks)

    (i) ______________ is used for image editing.
    (a) CorelDraw
    (b) Fruity Loops
    (c) Media player
    (d) None of the above

    (ii) Which of the following is not a search Engine? (a) Google
    (b) MSN search
    (c) Auto CAD
    (d) None of the above

    (iii) Following package is used for Engineering Drawing :
    (a) Paint
    (b) Auto CAD
    (c) HTML
    (d) None of the above

    (iv) Which of the following packages is used for website development?
    (a) Dreamweaver
    (b) MS Front Page
    (c) Netscape Composer
    (d) All of the above

    (v) Isometric Drawing is used in
    (a) PowerPoint
    (b) Word
    (c) Auto cad
    (d) None of the above

  3. Answer the following :(6 Marks)

    (i) What is the role of a search engine?
    (ii) What is meant by frame rate in animation?
    (iii) Define resolution.
    (iv) Name 2 movie file formats.
    (v) How are filters useful in digital video editing?
    (vi) How a video is added to a page?

  4. Expand the following :(3 Marks)

    (i) HTML
    (ii) FTP
    (iii) CAD

  5. Give output of the following HTML code:(2 Marks)
    <H1>Application Software’s </H1>
    <LI> General Purpose
  6. Write HTML code to generate the following output :Activities(3 Marks)
    i. Swimming
    ii. Modeling

    iii. Music
    (a) Vocal music
    (b) Percussion

    iv. Sports
    (a) Cricket
    (b) Basketball
    (i) Heading of page is red.
    (ii) Points in Roman are blue.

  7. Write HTML code to generate the following output : (4 Marks)

    ������ENTER YOUR DETAILS : Name
Dtp, Cad and Multimedia (Theory) 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII