Fill up the blanks:
(i) Iron is required for the formation of ____________.
(ii) Vitamin B complex is a group of ______________soluble vitamins.
(iii) When layers are reared in cages, few of them develop leg paralysis. This condition is known as ______________.
(iv) _______________are also known as cancer of neoplasm.
(v) Vitamin_____________ is essential for metabolism of calcium and Phosphorus in the body.
(vi) _____________is also known as 'crazy chick disease'.
(vii) In deficiency of _______________acid, there is enlargement of hock Joints and paresis.
(viii) Vitamin ______________is also known as ascorbic acid.
(ix) _______________is required for body metabolism and functioning of thyroid gland.
(x) Botulism is caused by_______________.
(xi) Ducks are also infected by Borrelia anserina, causing__________
(xii) Ornithosis is caused by ______________.