AIPMT 2010 Physics

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Q. 33. The mass of a  Li  nucleus is 0.042 u less than the sum of the masses of all its nucleons. The binding energy per nucleon of Li nucleus is nearly :

  1. 46 MeV
  2. 5.6 MeV
  3. 3.9 MeV
  4. 23 MeV




Answer : (2)

Q. 34. A beam of cathode rays is subjected to crossed Electric (E) and Magnetic fields (B). The fields are adjusted such that the beam is not deflected. The specific charge of the cathode rays is given by:


(Where V is the potential difference between cathode and anode)


eE = eVB                  

Answer : (4)

Q. 35. A particle has initial velocity    and has acceleration . It
speed after 10 s is:

  1. 7 units
  3. 8.5 units
  4. 10 units


Answer : (2)

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