AIPMT 2010 Physics

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Q. 36. A particle moves a distance x in time t according to equation
The acceleration of particle is proportional to:

  1. (Velocity)3/2
  2. (distance)2
  3. (distance)−2
  4. (velocity)2/3



Answer : (1)

Q. 37.  Two particles which are initially at rest, move towards each other under the
action of their internal attraction. If their speeds are v and 2v at any instant, then the speed of centre of mass of the system will be:

  1. 2 v
  2. Zero
  3. 1.5 v
  4. v

Sol:  No change in state of motion of COM due to internal forces.
speed of COM = zero

Answer : (2)

Q. 38.  A potentiometer circuit is set up as shown. The potential gradient, across the
potentiometer wire, is k volt/cm and the ammeter, present in the circuit, reads
1.0 A when two way key is switched off. The balance points, when the key
between the terminals (i) 1 and 2 (ii) 1 and 3, is plugged in, are found to be at
lengths l1 cm and l2 cm respectively. The magnitudes, of the resistors R and X, in ohms, are then, equal, respectively, to:


Sol :

P.D arross R = IR =  
P.D arross                                                                                                             

Answer : (2)

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AIPMT 2010 Solved Papers