Biology 2011

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Q. 73. The purplish red pigment rhodopsin contained in the rods type of photoreceptor cells of the human eye, is a derivative of

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B1
  3. Vitamin C  
  4. Vitamin D


Vitamin A is the precursor of the purplish red pigment rhodopsin contained in the rods (photoreceptor) cells of human eye.

Answer: (1)

Q. 74.  Which one of the following plasma proteins is involved in the coagulation of blood?

  1. Fibrinogen
  2. An albumin
  3. Serum amylase       
  4. A globulin


Fibrinogen is a plasma protein involved in clotting of blood.

Answer: (1)

Q. 75. When a neuron is in resting state i.e. not conducting any impulse, the axonal membrane is

  1. Comparatively more permeable to K+  ions and nearly impermeable to Na+ ions
  2. Comparatively more permeable to Na+  ions and nearly impermeable to K+ ions
  3. Equally permeable to both Na+ and K+ ions
  4. Impermeable to both Na+ and   K+ ions


When a neuron is in resting state i.e., not conducting any impulse, the axonal membrane is comparatively more permeable to K+ ions and nearly impermeable to Na+ ions.

Answer: (1)

Q. 76.  Which one of following correctly explains the function of a specific part of a human nephron?

  1. Afferent arteriole : Carries the blood away from the glomerulus towards renal vein
  2. Podocytes : Create minute spaces (slit pores) for the filtration of blood into the Bowman's capsule
  3. Henle's loop : Most reabsorption of the major substances from the glomerular filtrate
  4. Distal convoluted tubule: Reabsorption of K+ ions into the surrounding blood capillaries


Podocytes are specialised squamous epithelial cells in the inner wall of Bowman's capsule. They give rise to foot like processes which form filtration slits for the filtration of blood into the Bowman's capsule.

Answer: (2)


Q. 77. Given below is an incomplete table about certain hormones, their source glands and one major effect  of  each on the body in humans. Identify the correct option for the three blanks A, B and C






Maintenance of secondary sexual characters

Alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans


Raises blood sugar level

Anterior pituitary


Over secretion leads to gigantism


      A                                  B                           C

  1. Placenta                   Glucagon           Calcitonin
  2. Ovary Glucagon      Growth                 hormone
  3. Placenta                   Insulin                 Vasopressin
  4. Ovary                         Insulin                Calcitonin


A. Ovary secretes oestrogen for maintenance of secondary sexual characters.

B. Alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans secrete glucagon which raises blood sugar level.

C. Anterior lobe of pituitary secretes growth hormone. Its over secretion leads to gigantism.

Answer: (2)

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