Biology 2011

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Q. 78. Uricotelic mode of passing out nitrogenous wastes in found in

  1. Insects and Amphibians
  2. Reptiles and Birds
  3. Birds and Annelids    
  4. Amphibians and Reptiles


Reptiles and birds are uricotelic.

Answer: (2)


Q. 79.   The figure given below shows a small part of human lung where exchange of gases takes place. In        which one of the options given below, the one part A, B, C or D is correctly identified along with its function?

  1. B: Red blood cell - transport of CO2 mainly
  2. C: Arterial capillary - passes oxygen to tissues
  3. A: alveolar cavity - main site of exchange of respiratory gases
  4. D : Capillary wall - exchange of O2 and CO2 takes place here


A is the alveolar cavity which is the main site of exchange of respiratory gases.

Answer: (3)


Q. 80.  Which one of the following statements is correct regarding blood

  1. 190/110 mmHg may harm vital organs like brain and kidney
  2. 130/90 mmHg is considered high and requires treatment
  3. 100/55 mmHg is considered an ideal blood pressure
  4. 105/50 mmHg makes one very active


Hypertension occurs if the blood pressure is 190/110. This can harm the vital organs like brain and kidneys.

Answer: (1)


Q. 81.  Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to kidney function regulation?

  1. During summer when body loses lot of water by evaporation, the release of ADH is suppressed
  2. When someone drinks lot of water, ADH release is suppressed
  3. Exposure to cold temperature stimulates ADH release
  4. An increase in glomerular blood flow stimulates formation of Angiotensin II


When someone drinks lot of water which is not required by his body, the osmolarity of the blood will decrease. The decrease in osmolarity will inhibit the release of ADH. ADH not released DCT becomes less permeable to water, and excess of water is eliminated.

Answer: (2)


Q. 82.   The figure given below depicts a diagrammatic sectional view of the female reproductive system of humans.Which one set of three parts out of I – VI have been correctly identified?

  1. Perimetrium, (II) Myometrium, (III) Fallopian tube
  2. (II) Endometrium, (III) Infundibulum, (IV) Fimbriae
  3. (III) Infundibulum, (IV) Fimbriae, (V) Cervix
  4. (IV) Oviducal funnel, (V) Uterus, (VI) Cervix


III is infundibulum

IV is fimbriae

V is cervix

Answer: (3)


Q. 83. The testes in humans are situated outside the abdominal cavity inside a pouch called scrotum. The     purpose served is for

  1. Providing a secondary sexual feature for exhibiting the male sex
  2. Maintaining the scrotal temperature lower than the internal body temperature
  3. Escaping any possible compression by the visceral organs
  4. Providing more space for the growth of epididymis


The tests in humans are situated outside the abdominal cavity in scrotal sacs. This is because the temperature of scrotal sacs is 2.5°C lesser than internal body temperature.

Answer: (2)

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