Biology 2011

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Q. 84.  Which one of the following is the most widely accepted method of contraception in India, as at present?

  1. IUDs' (Intra uterine devices) 
  2. Cervical caps
  3. Tubectomy
  4. Diaphragms


The most widely accepted method of contraception in India is IUDs.

Answer: (1)


Q. 85. If for some reason, the vasa efferentia in the human reproductive system get blocked, the gametes will not be transported from

  1. Vagina to uterus  
  2. Testes to epididymis
  3. Epididymis to vas deferens  
  4. Ovary to uterus


The path of transport of gametes is Seminiferous tubules → rete testis → vasa efferentia → epididymis. So, if vasa efferentia are blocked the gametes from testes will not enter epididymis.

Answer: (2)


Q. 86. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is considered safe up to how many weeks of pregnancy?

  1. Six weeks     
  2. Eight weeks
  3. Twelve weeks  
  4. Eighteen weeks


MTPs are considered safe upto twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Answer: (3)


Q. 87. Which one of the following is categorised as a parasite in true sense?

  1. The cuckoo (koel) lays its egg in crow's nest
  2. The female Anopheles bites and sucks blood from humans
  3. Human foetus developing inside the uterus draws nourishment from the mother
  4. Head louse living on the human scalp as well as laying eggs on human hair


Head louse living on the human scalp as well as laying eggs on human hair is a parasite in true sense. Female mosquito is not considered as a parasite, though it needs human blood for reproduction. Koel that lays in crow's nest is just a brood parasite.

Answer: (4)


Q. 88. What type of human population is represented by the following pyramid?

  1. Expanding population  
  2. Vanishing population
  3. Stable population
  4. Declining population


It is an Urn shaped pyramid with least number of pre-reproductive individuals.

Answer: (4)

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