Diversity and Discrimination - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT
Points To Remember:
Diversity is the product of different geography, culture and history. Diversity mean variety and being different, it is respecting and understanding the varying differences among individuals in society
Diversity in India is main source of prejudice and discrimination
Lack of tolerance to differences lead to conflict in society and thus diversity is not always celebrated
When our opinions about certain people are always negative, these become prejudices
Discrimination is when someone are treated worse because of gender, race, disability, colour, nationality, religion and age
Economic disparities between rich and poor results in exploitation and discrimination against poor
Gender discrimination refers to discrimination between girls and boys
Violence against minority community is a common feature and from time to time communal hatred is spread amongst the people
Indian constitution does not force people to give up their personal beliefs, languages or cultural practices
People are free to choose their jobs and occupation, government jobs are open to all people
Respect for diversity is a significant element in ensuring equality