CBSE Geography Class 7


Environment - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Very Short Q&A:

Q1: …………consist of living organism eg. plants and animals
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Q2: …………Consist of non living elements eg. land etc.
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Q3: The gravitational force of the earth do not holds the atmosphere.(T/F)
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Q4: Which of the following is not a natural ecosystem?
  1. Desert
  2. Forest
  3. Aquarium
  4. Land
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Q5: Name the component which holds the atmosphere on the earth?
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Q6: All plants and human being interdependent to each other. (T/F)
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Q7: Name the three major components of our environment which combinedly termed as biosphere?
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Q8: The narrow zone of the earth where land water and air interact with each other to support life is called ………………………
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Q9: On ………………every year world environment day is celebrated.
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Q10: Lithosphere is the semi solid top layer of the earth. (T/F)
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Q11: The domain of water is referred to as ………………….
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Q12: Trade in which goods are exchanged without the use of money termed as……………….
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Q13: Name the four sphere of the earth?
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Q14: Which of the following revolution made communication easier and speedy across the world?
  1. Industrial revolution
  2. Information revolution
  3. Green revolution
  4. Communication revolution
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Q15: A perfect balance is necessary b/w the natural and human environment .(T/F)
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Q16: Match the following:

Column 1 Column 2
  1. Lithosphere-
  2. Hydrosphere-
  3. Atmosphere-
  4. Ecosystem-
  1. Interaction of all living organism
  2. Envelope of air which surrounds the earth
  3. Solid crust top layer of earth
  4. Domain of water
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Q17: Is this possible that there could be an ecosystem of large rain forest, desert, mountain etc. (T/F)
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Q18: Information revolution made communication easier and speedy across the world. (T/F)
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Q19: Lithosphere is an irregular surface with various land forms.(T/F)
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Q20: Environner meaning …………………….
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Chapter 1 Environment