Nutrition in Plants

Nutrition in Plants - NCERT Guide Science Class 7

Q1: Why do organisms need to take food?
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Q2:Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.
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Q3: How would you test the presence of starch on leaves?
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Q4: Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food in green plants.
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Q5: Fill in the blanks:
  1. Green plants are called _______ since they synthesize their own food.
  2. The foods synthesized by the plants are stored as _______.
  3. In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called ______.
  4. During photosynthesis plants take in ____________ and release ______.
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Q6: Name the following:
  1. A parasitic plant with yellow, slender, tubular stem.
  2. A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
  3. The pores through which leaves exchange gases.
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Q7: Tick the correct answer:
  1. Amarbel is an example of -
    1. Autotroph
    2. Parasite
    3. Saprotroph
    4. Host

  2. The plant which taps and feeds on insects is -
    1. Cuscuta
    2. China rose
    3. Pitcher plant
    4. Rose
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Q8: Match the items in column I with those in column II:

Column I Column II








Pitcher Plant



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Q9: Mark “T” if the statement is true and “F” if it is false :
  1. Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis.
  2. Plants which synthesize their food themselves are called saprotroph.
  3. The product of photosynthesis is not a protein.
  4. Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis.
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Q10: Choose the correct option in the following:

Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?

  1. Root hair
  2. Stomata
  3. Leaf veins
  4. Sepals.
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Q11: Which is the correct option in the following:

Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their -

  1. Roots
  2. Stem
  3. Flowers
  4. Leaves.
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