
Q.20. In a power deficient country like India, natural gas is a precious gift. Discuss.


i). In can be used both as a source of energy, and also as an industrial raw material in a petrochemical industry.
ii). It takes less time to build a power plant based on natural gas.
iii). For Indian agriculture, it has a capacity to boost its production through the building of fertilizer plants based on natural gas.
iv). It is easy to transport through gas pipelines.

Q.21.Why do you think that solar energy has a bright future in India?


i). Location of India: India is a tropical country so lot of solar energy is available in India. It is about 20 MW per sq. km per annum.
ii). That desert: India has Thar desert which can become the biggest solar power house of India.
iii). Different uses: Solar energy can be used for cooking, pumping water, refrigerators and street lighting. So its demand will increase in future.
iv) Developing country: India is a developing country so there is every possibility of increase in consumption of power. Non-renewable sources of energy are in short supply so the solar energy can supplement the non-renewable source of energy.

Q.22. What are the advantages of Biogas as a source of energy?


i). Shrubs, farm waste, animal and human waste are used to produce biogas for domestic consumption rural areas.
ii). Decomposition of organic matter yields gas, which has higher thermal efficiency in comparison to kerosene, dung cake and charcoal.
iii). The Gobar gas plants provide twin benefits to the farmers in the form of energy and improved quality of manure.
iv) Biogas is by far the most efficient use of cattle dung. It improves the quality of manure and also prevents the loss of trees and manure due to burning of fuel wood and cow dung cakes.

Q.23.What is tidal energy? Name the region of India which provides ideal conditions for utilizing tidal energy.

Ans.Oceanic tides can be used to generate electricity. Floodgate dams are built across inlets. During high tide water flows into the inlets and get trapped when the gate is closed. After the tide falls outside the flood gate, the water regained by the floodgate flows back to the sea via a pipe that carries it through a power-generating turbine. In India, the Gulf of Kuchchh, provides ideal condition for utilizing tidal energy. A 900 MW tidal energy power plant is set up here by the National Hydropower Corporation.

Q.24. Distinguish between Anthracite and bituminous coal.

Ans. Anthracite coal

i) It is the best quality of coal.
ii). It causes very less pollution.
iii) It has more calrofic value i.e., it gives more energy.
iv) It contains more percentage of carbon in it, i.e., 80%.
v) In India, it is found only in Jammu and Kashmir.

Bituminous coal

i). It is the low quality of coal.
ii). It causes more pollution.
iii). It has less calcoific value, i.e., it gives less energy.
iv) . It contains less percentage of carbon in it, i.e., 60-80%.
v). In India, it is found in Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh.

Q.25. Natural gas and bio gas

Ans Natural gas

i) . It is the mixture of combustible, gaseous hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons occurring frequently with petroleum I the rocks of the earth’s crust.
ii). It is used as a raw material in the petrochemical.
iii) . It is transported from one place to another through pipelines.
iv). It is mainly used in urban areas.

i) Biogas is formed by the decomposition of animals and plant waste with the help of micro-organisms in the presence of water.
ii) It is used as a fuel and for lighting homes.
iii). This gas is produced commercially in tanks by manures.
iv). It is mainly found in rural areas.