
Q.7. Suggest any four ways through which the Indian industrial products can easily face global competition.


i). Use of modern technology.
ii). Use of modern machinery.
iii). By reducing the cost of production.
iv). Reduction of taxes.
v).Appropriate policy interventions by the government.

Q.8.What were the major objectives of the National Jute Policy, 2005? Why the internal demand for jute has been on the increase? Objective of the National Jute Policy-2005.


i). To increase productivity.
ii). To improve quality.
iii). Ensuring good prices to the jute farmers.
iv) Enhancing the yield per hectare.
v). The internal demand for jute has been on the increase because.
vi ). The government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging.
vii) . The growing global concern for environment-friendly, biodegradable materials.

Q.9. Explain three physical factors for the localization of an industry in a particular area.


i). Raw materials: The location of industrial enterprises is sometimes determined simply by location of the raw materials. The jute mills in West Bengal are concentrated close to the sources of raw materials.
ii). Power: Regular supply of power is a perquisite for the localization of industries. Most of the industries tend to concentrate at the source of power.
iii). Climate: Climate plays an important role in the establishment of industries at a place. Cotton textile industry requires a humid climate consequently majority of cotton textile mills are concentrated in Maharashtra and Gujarat.

Q.10. Explain any three human factors for the localization of an industry in a particular area.


i). Capital. Big cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, etc are big industrial centres, because the big capitalists live in these cities.
ii). Government Policies: The government activity in planning the future distribution of industries, for reducing regional disparities, elimination of pollution of air and water, and for avoiding their heavy clustering in big cities, has also become an important localization factor.
iii). Market: The entire process of manufacturing is useless until the finished goods reach the market. Nearness to the market is essential for the quick disposal of manufactured goods. It helps in reducing the transport.

Q.11.Why is the sugar industry located in Uttar Pradesh?


I). Uttar Pradesh is the hoe of sugarcane because it has a fertile soil, with a tropical climate. More than 100 cm rainfall, bright sunshine and irrigation facilities, i.e., the entire facilities essential for the growth of sugarcane are available here.
ii). Electric power for running the mills is available in abundance.
ii) Cheap labour is locally available in Uttar Pradesh.

Q.12. What is the importance of the manufacturing industries?


i). Employment: Manufacturing industry is the main source of employment for a large number of skilled as well as unskilled workers.
ii). Foreign exchange: Export of manufactured goods brings foreign exchange to India.
iii). Reduction of pressure on land: Manufacturing industry reduces pressure on land by providing employment to workers.
iv). Daily needs: Manufacturing industry produces products of daily needs, and helps the common people to fulfill their basic needs.