
Q.7How far do you believe that grazing and fuel wood collection are responsible for degrading forest?


i). Some people believe that grazing by cattle and fuel-wood collection are the important factors responsible for degrading forests. ii). There may be some substance in this view. But this is not the truth; we need not overemphasis the weight of this factor. To meet the demand for fodder or fuel, it is not necessary to feel the trees; the need can be met simply by lopping. Hence, these practices need not cause any damage to forests.

Q.8State the steps needed to conserve wildlife.


i). General awareness about wildlife should be created at all levels.
ii). The existing forests should be protected and expanded.
iii). Natural habitat should be created for specific wild specie whose number is falling.
iv). Breeding centres for some of the endangered species should be developed.
v). Trade in skins, horns and ivory bones of endangered species should be prohibited.
vi). National parks and wildlife sanctuaries should be established in large numbers.

Q.9.What is a national park?

Ans.A reserved area for preserving its natural vegetation, natural beauty and the wildlife in that region is known as a national park.

Q.10How do forests play a protective as well as a productive role?

Ans.Protective role.

i). Help in maintaining the ecological balance and providing pollution-free air.
ii). Provide habitat to wildlife.
iii). Help in checking soil erosion.
iv) Help in raising the water table.
Productive role
i). Supply many consumer goods.
ii). Supply many industrial raw materials

Q.11. How does deforestation affect the poor households?


i). Poor lose their source of survival.
ii). Women have to bear a greater burden and spend more them and energy to collect the forest products from distant areas.
iii). This causes serious health problems for women and, hence negligence of home and children.
iv). Deforestation causes both drought and floods. The poor bear the burden of these.