Q.8. “Overpopulation or large and growing population can lead to water scarcity.” Explain.
i ). More population means more demand for water.
ii). A large population means more water not only for domestic use but also to produce more food.
iii). To facilitate higher food grain production, water resources are being overexploited to expand the irrigated areas and dry season agriculture.
iv). Overutilization of water results in lowering of the groundwater levels.
Q.9.‘Large multipurpose projects also leads to land degradation. Explain.
i). Irrigation has changed the cropping pattern of many regions with farmers shifting to water intensive crops. This has lead to the salinisation of the soil.
ii). Regulating and damming of rivers affect the natural flow of rivers causing poor sediment flow.
iii). Due to the dams, the flood plains are deprived of silt.
iv). Multipurpose projects induce pollution which leads to land degradation.
Q.10.How is industrialization responsible for water scarcity? Explain.
i). The ever increasing number of industries has made matter worse by exerting pressure on the existing freshwater resources.
ii). Industries need power which is produced from water. The power is produced by the multi-purpose projects.
iii). Industries are also responsible for making water hazardous for human use.
Q.11.How had the growing population, industrialization and urbanization lead to water scarcity? Explain.
i). Growing population:- Growing population is one of the basic factors which is responsible for the scarcity of water. Most of our cities are facing this problem due to overpopulation. A large population means more water not only for domestic use but also to produce more food.
ii). Commercialization of agriculture:- After the success of green revolution, our farmers are producing commercial crops. The commercial crops need more water and other inputs. Assured means of irrigation like tubewells and wells are responsible for the falling groundwater levels.
iii). Industrialization :- The post independent India witnessed intensive industrialization and urbanization. Today, large industrial houses are common in the form of industrial units of many MNCs. The ever increasing number of industries has made matters worse by exerting pressure on the existing freshwater resources.
iv). Urbanization :- Urbanization has also aggravated the problem of water scarcity. Most of our cities are over-populated. Overpopulation leads to over utilization of the water resources, and also pollutes the existing resources.
Q.12.Why is there a need to conserve water resources?
i). Water is necessary for life on earth. It is believed that life first originated in water before in invaded land. Water is in fact a pre-condition of life.
ii). Cultivation of crops depends on the availability of water. Water dissolves minerals and other nutrients in the ground. The roots of the plants draw this nutritious water from the soil. India is an agricultural country, so availability of water is a must.
iii) . Water is also important for industry. Its main function is for cooling.
iv). Water is also used for drinking and domestic consumption. The growing urbanization with its modern lifestyle has been demanding a greater share of water day by day.
Q.13.Distinguish between a dam and a multipurpose project. Dam
i). A dam is a barrier across the flowing water that obstructs, dissects or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir lake or an impoundment.
ii). It is a traditional concept.
Multipurpose project
i). A multipurpose project is that which fulfils a variety of purposes at the same time, for example irrigation generation of electricity, flood control, fish breeding, soil conservation, etc.
ii). It is a modern concept.