
Chapter - 5 The Age Of Industralization

Guild :- An association of craftsmen or merchants following same craft to protect the members interest and supervise the standard of the work. Gomastha:-An Indian word meaning an agent, a middleman between the merchant and weavers.

Q.1.Why did the workers in Britain attack the Spinning Jenny?

Ans.Spinning Jenny was a machine which speeded up the spinning process and reduced the labour demand. The four of fear of unemployment made the workers hostile and prompted them to attack the machine.

Q.2.Why did the port of Surat in Indian decline by the end of 18th century?

Ans. As the European companies gained power and got monopoly of trade, they begain to trade in European ships from the port of Bombay and Calcutta. It resulted in the decline of Port of Surat by the end of the 18th century.

Q.3. Why did East India Company appoint Gomasthas to supervise weavers in India?

Ans.East India Company appointed gomasthas to supervise weavers and collect supplies and examine the quality of cloth.

Q.4.Who invented the spinning Jenny? What was its function?

Ans.Jams Hargreaves. The machines speeded spinning process of textiles and reduced labour demand.

Q.5. What is meant by proto-industrialization?

Ans. the early industrial period that preceded the stage of industrialization is known as proto-industrialization.

Q.6. How is proto-industrialization is different from factory production?

Ans.Proto-industrialization was a decentralization method of production which was controlled by merchants, and the goods were produced by a vast number of producers located in different places whereas under factories, production became centralized. Most of the processes were brought together under one roof and management.

Q.7.Mention four steps required in the production process in textile industry.

Ans.Carding, twisting, spinning and rolling.

Q.8. When and where was the first cotton mill set up in India?

Ans.Bombay in 1854.

Q.9.Where and by whom was the first Jute mill set up in India?

Ans. The First Jute mill was started in Calcutta in 1917 by a Marwari businessman Seth Hukumchand.

Q.10.What was Flying Shuttle? What was its function?

Ans.Flying Shuttle is a mechanical device used for weaving, moved by means of ropes and pullies. It placed the horizontal thread into vertical thread.

Q.11.Who was Richard Arkwright?

Ans.Richard Arkwright created cotton mill which marks the beginning of factory system.