Time 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

(i) This paper consists of two parts: A and B. Both parts are compulsory. Number of question is 26
(ii) Other all parts of a particular question at one place.

Part A: Financial Accounting

1. What is a cash transaction ? 1
2. When should revenue be recognised ? 1
3. What is imprest system of petty cash Book ? 1
4. What is 'Provision' ? 1
5. State any one important purposefor which reserves are created. 1
6. Give two examples of 'Capital Expenditure'. 1

Prepare a bank reconciliation statement from the following:-

On 31st December 2009 I had an overdraft of Rs. 750 as shown by my passbook. I had issued cheques amounting to Rs. 250 of which Rs. 200 worth only seen to have been presented for payment. Cheques amounting to Rs. 100 had been paid in by me on 30th December but of these only Rs. 75 were credited in the passbook. I also find that a cheque for Rs. 10 which I had debited to bank account in my books has been omitted to be banked. There is a debit of Rs. 25 in my passbook for interest. An entry of Rs.30 of a payment by a customer direct into the bank appears in the passbook. My pass book also shows a credit of Rs.60 to my account for interest on investments directly collected by my bankers.

8. What is suspense Account ? When is it opened ? 3
9. On April 1,2010 the balance of Provision for Doubtful Debts Accounts was ` 3,000. Bad Debts amounted to ` 2,000 during the year. Debtors stood at ` 1,30,000 on March 31, 2011, Make a provision for doubtful debts @5%. During 2011-12 Bad debts are `2,200. Debtors stood at `7,600 on March 31, 2012 and provision @5% is to be make for doubtful debts. Prepare Bad Debts account for the year 2010-11 and 2011-12. 3
10. Mention the names of any two fixed assets and any two current assets. 4
11. On the basis of following transactions of Nishtha, develop Accounting equation.
(a) Business started with cash 1,75,000
(b) Purchased goods from Hina 50,000
(c) Sold goods to Megha (Costing ϕ 17,500) 20,000
(d) Purchased Furniture 10,000
(e) Cash paid to Hina in full settlement 48,500
(f) Cash received from Megha 20,000
(g) Rent paid 1,000
(h) Cash withdrew for personal use 3,000
12. (a) Explain cash book as a subsidiary book and a principal book.
(b) Explain the imprest system of petty cash book.
13. What are the different types of errors ? Explain 4

Explain the following concepts

1. Money measurement concept
2. Business entity concept
3. Matching concept

15. State any six reasons when the 'Cash book balance' will be higher than the 'pass book balance'.  

The following balances appears in the books of Hans stores. 2010

April Machinery Account 2,75,000
Provision for depreciation account 1,25,000

On April 2010 'Hans stores' decided to sell a machine for ? 29,500 which was purchased for ` 55,000 on April 1, 2006.

You are required to prepare 'Machinery Account' and Provision for Depreciation Account' for the year 2010-11 assuming that the Hans stores charges depreciation @10% per annum on straight line method.



CBSE Accountancy Class XI ( By Mr. Aniruddh Maheshwari ) 
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