18. | The value of stock as at March 31,2011 was ϕ 26,000 You are required to prepare her Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended March 31,2011 and a Balance sheet as on that date after the following facts into account:- OR From the following trial balance of Ramneek & Company, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss account for Account for the year ended on March 31,2011 and a Balance Sheet as on that date:-
Stock on March 31,2011 was ? 6,000 Depreciate building by 20% create a provision of bad debts @10% on debtors and outstanding wages amounted to `475. Part B: Financial Accounting -II |
19. | Why the 'Profit and Loss Account ' is not prepared in not for profit organisations ? Give any one reason. | 1 | ||||||||||
20. | What is meant by 'Accounts from Incomplete records ? | 1 | ||||||||||
21. | Explain any one feature of computer. | 1 | ||||||||||
22. | Distinguish between 'Receipts and payments Account' and cash book. (Any three points) | |||||||||||
23. | What is database system ? | |||||||||||
24. | Radha started her business on January 1,2010 with capital of ?1,10,000. On July
1,2010 she borrowed ? 80,000 from her friend on interest @ 12% p.a. (which is
not yet paid). On December 31,2010 her position was as under:
4 | ||||||||||
25 | The following is the receipts and payments account of Harekrishna Club for the year ending Dec.31,2010 The club has 1600 members each paying annual subscription of ? 10 Subscription of ? 450 are still in arrears for 2009. On January 1,2010, the club's assets and liabilities included: Furniture ` 2000 ; Sports Fund and 10% sports Fund Investment `30,000 each. Depreciation on Furniture @20% p.a. and prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on December 31,2010. |
26. | What is meant by computer ? Describe in brief the basic components of a computer. |
CBSE Accountancy Class XI ( By Mr. Aniruddh Maheshwari )
Email Id : maheshwari1569@gmail.com