
The value of stock as at March 31,2011 was ϕ 26,000 You are required to prepare her Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended March 31,2011 and a Balance sheet as on that date after the following facts into account:-
Plant & Mixtures are to be depreciated by 10% p.a.
Accrued interest on investment amounted to ` 750


From the following trial balance of Ramneek & Company, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss account for Account for the year ended on March 31,2011 and a Balance Sheet as on that date:-

Stock on March 31,2011 was ? 6,000 Depreciate building by 20% create a provision of bad debts @10% on debtors and outstanding wages amounted to `475.

Part B: Financial Accounting -II

19. Why the 'Profit and Loss Account ' is not prepared in not for profit organisations ? Give any one reason. 1
20. What is meant by 'Accounts from Incomplete records ? 1
21. Explain any one feature of computer. 1
22. Distinguish between 'Receipts and payments Account' and cash book. (Any three points)  
23. What is database system ?  
24. Radha started her business on January 1,2010 with capital of ?1,10,000. On July 1,2010 she borrowed ? 80,000 from her friend on interest @ 12% p.a. (which is not yet paid). On December 31,2010 her position was as under:
Cash in hand 18,000
Stock 86,000
Debtors 1,27,200
Creditors 13,500
Drawings during the year 36,000
Ascertain her profit or loss for the year 2010.

The following is the receipts and payments account of Harekrishna Club for the year ending Dec.31,2010

The club has 1600 members each paying annual subscription of ? 10 Subscription of ? 450 are still in arrears for 2009.

On January 1,2010, the club's assets and liabilities included: Furniture ` 2000 ; Sports Fund and 10% sports Fund Investment `30,000 each. Depreciation on Furniture @20% p.a. and prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on December 31,2010.

26. What is meant by computer ? Describe in brief the basic components of a computer.  


CBSE Accountancy Class XI ( By Mr. Aniruddh Maheshwari ) 
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