Learning Objectives :

After studying the chapter, you will be able to :

  • Explain the accounting cycle
  • Explain the users of accounting information and their needs
  • Understand the basic terms used in Accounting.

Suggested teaching mehods : Discussion method

Meaning of Accounting -

Accounting is an information system that provides accounting information to the users for correct decision-making.

''Accounting is the art of recording, classifying , and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof..''

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants -

Objectives of Accounting

  1. To provide useful information to Various interested parties.
  2. To Maintain systematic and complete Records of Business Transactions
  3. To Calculate Profit and Loss
  4. To ascertain the financial position of the business.

Interested Users of Information

There are number of users interested in knowing about the financial soundness and the profitability of the business.

Users Classification Information the user want
Internal 1. Owner return on their investment, financial health
of their company/business

2. Management

to evaluate the performance, to take vari
ous decisions

External 1. Investors and potential Investors safety and growth of their investments, future of the business
2. Creditors assessing the financial capability, ability of the business to pay its debts
3. Lenders Repaying capacity, credit worthiness
4. Tax Authorities assessment of due taxes, true and fair disclosure of accounting information
5. Employees Profitability to claim higher wages and bonus, whether their dues (PF, ESI etc.) deposited regularly.
6. Others Customers, Researchers etc. may seek different information for different reasons.

Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information
Accounting information is useful for interested users only if it possess the following characteristics :

1. Reliability

Means the information must be based on facts and be verified through source documents by anyone. It must be free from bias.

2. Relevance

To be relevant, information must be available in time and must influence the decisions of users by helping them form prediction about the outcomes.

3. Understandability

The information should be presented in such a manner that users can understand it well.

4. Comparability

The information should be disclosed in such a manner that it can be compared with previous years' figures of business itself and other firm's data.

Limitations of Accounting

The accounting information suffers from the following limitations :

  1. Based on historical data
  2. Biasness
  3. Qualitative information not shown
  4. Ignores price level changes