Accounts from incomplete records


Cash-III : When opening capital is given

Illustration 3
Ms. Preeti started a business with a capital of Rs. 10,00,000. At the and of the year her position was :

Particulars Amount Rs.
Cash in Hand 1,50,000
Cash at Bank 1,50,000
Sundry Debtors 80,000
Bills Receivables 70,000
Stock 2,00,000
Furniture 3,00,000
Machinery 7,50,000

Sundry creditors on this date was Rs. 1,00,000 . During the year she introduced a further capital of Rs. 4,50,000 and withdraw for household expenses Rs. 1,50,000. You are required to ascertain the profit or loss during the year

Solution :

Statement of Profit or loss

For the year ended on ................

Note :
'Statement of Affairs' at the beginning of the period is not prepared because Opening capital is given in the question.


CBSE Accountancy Class XI ( By Mr. Aniruddh Maheshwari ) 
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