Learning Objectives – Students will be able to tell -
Meaning : After recording the business transaction in the Journal or special pur-pose Subsidiary Books, the next step is to transfer the entries to the respective ac-counts in the Ledger. Ledger is a book where all the transactions related to a particular account are collected at one place.
Definition : The Ledger is the main or Principal book of accounts in which all the business transactions would ultimately find thier place under various accounts in a duly classified form.
Importance : Main point is
To know the collective effect of all the transaction pertaining to one particular A/c
By this classification / collective effect we are able to know the following –
Ledger is also called the Principal Book of Accounts
Performa for Ledger
Each ledger account is divided into two equal parts.
Left Hand Side → Debit side (Dr)
Right Hand Side → Credit side (Cr)
Name of the Account
Date |
Particular |
J.F |
Amount (Rs) |
Date |
Particulars |
J.F |
Amount (Rs) |
Posting in the Ledger – This will be dealt separately from Journal Entries and each Subsidiary Book.
Case I – Posting from Journal Entries.
Important :
Example 1 : Simple Journal Entry.
On 1st August 2011, goods are sold for cash Rs. 2,000.
Journal Entry
Ledger A/c
CBSE Accountancy Class XI ( By Mr. Aniruddh Maheshwari )
Email Id : maheshwari1569@gmail.com