1. Cash deposited into the bank

Bank a/c Dr.

To Cash a/c

2. Cash withdrawn for office use.

Cash a/c Dr.

To Bank a/c

3. When cheque is received from customer and deposited into bank same day.

Bank a/c Dr.

To Customer’s personal a/c

4. When cheque is received from customer and not deposited into bank same day.

Cash a/c Dr.

To Customer’s personal a/c

5. When above cheque (Point 4) is deposited later into bank.

Bank a/c Dr.

To Cash a/c

6. When payment is made through cheque.

Personal a/c Dr.

To Bank a/c

7. When expenses is paid through cheque.

Expense a/c Dr.

To Bank a/c

8. When interest is allowed by the bank.

Bank a/c Dr.

To Interest a/c

9. When Bank charges for the services provided.

Bank Charges a/c Dr.

To Bank a/c

Some special entries :

1. Bad Debts (when customer is declared insolvent and amount is irrecoverable from him)

Cash a/c Dr. (If partial amount is recovered)

Bad Debts a/c Dr. (the irrecoverable part)

To Personal a/c (the due amount)

2. Bad debts recovered earlier written off as bad debts.

Cash a/c Dr.

To Bad debts recovered a/c

3. Outstanding Expenses (expenses due but not paid yet).

Expenses a/c Dr.

To Outstanding Expenses a/c

4. Prepaid Expenses (Expenses not due but paid in advance).

Prepaid expenses a/c Dr.

To Expenses a/c

5. Accrued income (income due but not received yet).

Accrued Income a/c Dr.

To Income a/c

6. Unearned Income (Income not due but received in advance).

Income a/c Dr.

To Unearned Income a/c

7. Depreciation provided on fixed assets.

Depreciation a/c Dr.

To Related asset’s a/c

8. Interest on Capital provided.

Interest on capital a/c Dr.

To Capital a/c

9. Interest on Drawings charged.

Drawings a/c Dr.

To Interest on Drawings a/c


As size of the business grows and number of transactions increases, it becomes necessary for the business to divide the recording work. The books maintained are illustrated below :


Further classification

Subsidiary Books Maintained

Cash and Bank related transactions

Only Cash Transaction

Simple Cash Book


Cash & Bank Transactions

Double Column Cash Book


Cash payment of small Amount

Petty Cash Book

Transactions other than cash and Bank

Credit Sales

Sales Book


Credit Purchase

Purchases Book


Sales Return

Sales Return Book


Purchase Return

Purchase Return Book


Transactions of Bills Receivable

Bills Receivable Book


Transactions of Bills Payable

Bills Payable Book


Any Other Transactions

Journal Proper


CBSE Accountancy Class XI ( By Mr. Kailash Gururani )
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