Meaning :- It is a contract where one party takes the responsibility of the risk of other party in exchange of some fixed fee.
- Principle of the utmost good faith : It refers that no material or important facts should be concealed by both the parties to the insurance contract.
- Principle of Insurable Interest : It refers that there must be such a relationship between the Insured and the subject matter of insurance that the insured stands to benefit by its safety and to loose by its loss.
- Principle of Indemnity : It refers that the insured can get only the compensation against actual loss and he cannot make profit out of it.
- Proximate Causes : When the loss is the result of two or more causes, the proximate cause, i.e. the direct the most dominant & most effective cause of loss should be taken into consideration. The insurance company is not liable for the remote cause.
- Principle of Subrogation : It refers that if the insured compensate the insured then all the rights related to the subject matter of insurance get transferred to the insurer.
- Principle of contribution : - If the same subject matter, except life is insured by more than one insurers, then the actual loss will be shared by all the insurer.
- Principle of mitigation :- If refers that the insured should try to minimize the loss of the subject matter of the insurer even if it is insured.
Life Insurance :
- Whole life policy :- Amount payable will not be paid before the death of the assured. It will be payable to legal heir (s)
- Endowment life Insurance : Sum assured is given in full payment after completion of policy / death of insured, whichever is earlier.
- Joint Life Policy : Policy taken up by two or more persons.
- Annuity Policy : Policy money is payable monthly.
- Children Endowment Policy :- for children to meet higher education or marriage expenses.
General Insurance :-
Fire Insurance - Loss due to fire
Other Insurance
Health Insurance
Vehicle Insurance
Burglary Insurance
Cattle Insurance
Crop Insurance
Fidelity InsuranceMarine Insurance (Loss by Marine Perils) :
Ship Insurance
Cargo Insurance
Meaning :- Transmission of ideas and information.
Importance :-
establishing links with outside world. i.e. suppliers, customers, competitions etc.
for quick exchange of information.Communication Services :
Financial facilities :
Monthly income Scheme
Money order
Kisan Vikas PatraMail Facilities :
Registration of transmitted articles.Insurance :
Allied facility :
Greeting post
Media post
Speed post
e-bill post
direct post
inter national money transferPassport :
Mobile Services
Radio Paging
Fixed line.
VSAT – Satellite Base Service
DTH Direct to home e.g. Tata & Sky etc.Other service :
Voice mail
CBSE Business Studies Class XI ( By Mr. Kailash Gururani )
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