Chapter – 2. STRUCTURES

struct date
int dd; int mm; int yy;
struct student
char name[20]; int roll; date dob; int marks;
The member of a nested structure is referenced from the outermost to innermost with the help of dot operators. student stud;
Then the members of the nested structure can be accessed as;
struct addr int houseno;
char area[26];
char city[26];
char state[26];
struct emp
int empno;

char name[26];
char design[16];
addr address;
float basic;
emp worker ;

2006 Outside Delhi:

1.C. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s), if any. Underline each correction. 2

void main( )
struct movie
char movie_name[20];
char movie_type;
int ticket_cost=100; MOVIE;