1999 :

2.b. Define a class Teacher with the following class specification:

Private members:

Name 20 characters
Subject 10 characters
Basic, DA, HRA float
Salary float

Calculate( ) function computes the salary and returns it. Salary is sum of Basic, DA and HRA

Public members:
ReadData( ): Function accepts the data values and invoke the calculate function.
DisplayData( ):Function prints the data on the screen.

class Teacher
char Name[20]; char subject[10];
float Basic,DA,HRA,Salary;
float Calculate( )
Salary=Basic+DA+HRA; return Salary;
public: void ReadData( )
cout<<"\nEnter Basic, Dearness Allowance and “
cout<<” House Rent Allowance: ";
cin>>Basic>>DA>>HRA; Calculate();
void DisplayData( )
cout<<"\nThe Basic : "<<Basic;
cout<<"\nThe Dearness Allowance: "<<DA;
cout<<"\nThe House Rent Allowance: "<<HRA;
cout<<"\nThe Salary: "<<Salary;

1998 Annual:

2.b. Define a class student with the following specifications:

Private members of class student:

Admno integer
Sname 20 character
English float
Math float
Science float
Total float
Ctotal( ) A function to calculate English +

math + science with float return type

Public member functions of class student:
Takedata( ):Function to accept values for admno,sname, English, math, science and invoke ctotal to calculate total.
Showdata( ):Function to display all the data members on the screen.

class student
int Admno;
char Sname[20];
float English,Math,Science,Total;
float Ctotal()
Total=English+math+science; return Total;
public: void Takedata()
cout<<”\nEnter the admission number,name of the student: “;
cin>>Admno; gets(sname);
cout<<”\nEnter English, Maths, Science Marks: “;
cin>>English>>Math>>Science; Ctotal( );
void Showdata( )
cout<<”\nThe admission number of the student: “<<Admno;
cout<<”\nThe name of the student: “<<Sname;
cout<<”\nEnglish , Maths and Science Marks are…”;
cout<< English<<”\t”<<math<<”\t”<<science<<”\n”;
cout<<”\nTotal marks of the student: “<<Total;

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