(i) To display the details of those Customers whose city is Delhi.
Ans. Select all from Customer Where City=”Delhi” .
(ii) To display the details of Item whose Price is in the range of 35000 to 55000 (Both values included).
Ans. Select all from Item Where Price>=35000 and Price <=55000.
(iii) To display the CustomerName, City from table Customer, and ItemName and Price from table Item, with their corresponding matching I_ID.
Ans. Select CustomerName,City,ItemName,Price from Item,Customer where Item.I_ID=Customer.I_ID.
(iv) To increase the Price of all Items by 1000 in the table Item.
Ans. Update Item set Price=Price+1000
Ans. City Delhi Mumbai Bangalore
(vi) SELECT ItemName, MAX(Price), Count(*) FROM Item GROUP BY ItemName;
ItemName | Max(Price) | Count(*) |
Personal Computer | 37000 | 3 |
Laptop | 57000 | 2 |
(vii) SELECT CustomerName, Manufacturer FROM Item, Customer WHERE Item.Item_Id=Customer.Item_Id;
CustomerName | ManufacturerName |
N.Roy | PQR |
H.Singh | XYZ |
R.Pandey | COMP |
C.Sharma | PQR |
K.Agarwal | ABC |
(viii) SELECT ItemName, Price * 100 FROM Item WHERE Manufacturer = ‘ABC’;
ItemName | Price*100 |
Personal Computer | 3500000 |
Laptop | 5500000 |
Outside Delhi 2007
5.b. Consider the following tables Consignor and Consignee. Write SQL command for the statements(i)to(iv) And give outputs for the SQL quries (v) to ( viii).