(b)To show all information about the teachers of history department.

Ans. select *from teacher where department=’history’;

(c) To list names of female teacher who are in math department.

Ans. select name from teacher where sex=’male’ and department=’maths’;

d) To list names of all teacher with their date of joining in ascending order.

Ans. Select Name From Teacher order by dateofjoing;

(f) To count the number of teachers with age >23.

Ans. Select count(number of teachers) from ,teacher where age>23;

(g) To insert a new row in the teacher table with the following data: 9, “raja’, 26, “computer”, {13/5/95 }, 2300, “M”.

Ans. Insert into Teacher values(9,”raja”,26,”computer”, {13/05/95},2300,”M”);


5. Write SQL commands for (b) to (g) and write the outputs for

(h) on the basis of table HOSPITAL.

No Name Age Department Date of adm Charges Sex
1 Arpit 62 Surgery 21/1/98 300 M
2 Zareena 22 Ent 12/12/97 250 F
3 Kareem 32 Arthopedic 19/2/98 200 M
4 Arun 12 Surgery 11/1/98 300 M
5 Zubin 30 Ent 12/1/98 250 M
6 Karin 16 Ent 24/2/98 250 F
7 Ankita 29 cardiology 22/2/98 800 F
8 Zareen 45 Gynecology 22/2/98 300 F
9 Kush 19 Cardiology 13/1/98 800 M
10 Shilpa 23 medicine 21/2/98 400 F

(b) To select all the information of patients of all cardiology department.

Ans. Select all from Hospital where department=”Cardiology”

(c) To list the names of female patients who are in ent department. Ans. select name from Hospital where Department=”Ent” and Sex=”F”

(d) To list names of all patients with their date of admission in ascending order.

Ans. Select name,dateofadm from Hospital dateofadm.

(e) To display patients name, charges, age, for only female patients.

Ans. Select Name,Charges,age from Hospital where sex=”F”

(f) To count the number of patients with age <30.

Ans. Select count(*) from hospitals where age<30

(g) To insert the new row in the hospital table with the following data: 11, “aftab”, 24, “surgery”, {25/2/98}, 300, “M”.

Ans. insert into Hospital values(11, “aftab”, 24, “surgery”, {25/02/98}, 300, “M”)

(h) Give the output of the following SQL statements: (i) Select count (distinct charges)from hospital;

Ans. 5

(ii) Select min(age) from hospital where sex = “f’;

Ans. 16

(iii) Select sum(charges) from hospital where department = “ent”;

Ans. 750

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