DELHI : 2000
3.d) Evaluate the following postfix expression using a stack. Show the contents of stack after execution of each operation: 20, 8, 4, /, 2, 3, +, *, -
Ans) Children, Try this answer as an assignment.
3.e) Give necessary declarations for a queue
containing float type numbers; also write a user defined function in C++ to insert a float
type number in the queue. You should use linked representation of queue.
struct NODE
{ float Number;
NODE *Link;
class Queue
{ NODE *front,*rear;
Queue( )
{ front = rear = NULL; }
void Insert( );
void Delete( );
void Display( );
void Queue::Insert( ){
NODE *ptr;
ptr=new NODE;
if(ptr= = NULL)
cout<<”\nNo memory to create a new node….”;
cout<<”\nEnter the Number….”;
cin>>ptr → Number;
ptr → Link=NULL;
if(rear= = NULL)
rear → Link=ptr;
3 (d) Evaluate the following postfix expression
using a stack and show the contents of the stack after execution of each operation 5,11,-,6,8,+,12,*,/
Ans) Children, Try this answer as an
CBSE Computer Science Solved Revision Tour By Mr. Ravi Kiran ( [email protected] )